Mindy Adair, Ph.D.
Enthusiastic Mathematics Educator
Welcome to the website of Dr. Mindy Adair. With experience as a teacher, presenter, and consultant, she has appreciated the opportunity to collaborate with educators from across the country and beyond.
Dr. Adair is the Director of Mathematics and the Technology Integration Specialist at Denver Academy. She received her BA in Mathematics from the University of Colorado, MA in Education Administration with a Professional Principal License for the state of Colorado, and her Ph.D. from the University of Denver. Dr. Adair has been a high school math teacher for the past thirty years, mathematics department chair, college counselor, and dean of students. She enjoys working with students to help them believe they can do mathematics and appreciates time spent with colleagues discussing mathematical literacy.

Upcoming Presentations - Courage To Risk 2023
Understanding Students' Mathematical Development: Let's Do This!
Mindy Adair, Ph.D.
Numbers, shapes, patterns, and quantities - mathematics is beautiful, complex, challenging, and empowering! Mathematical development is a dynamic process. Understanding how students construct meaning with numbers is a critical component in helping us to recognize how and why they struggle. We will examine how tasks can help students to develop conceptual understanding and gain confidence.

Courage to Risk 2023
Understanding Students' Mathematical Development: Let's Do This!
Mathematical development is complex. Students, parents, and teachers often believe that conceptual understanding is to be mastered immediately, and procedural fluency should follow a scheduled time frame. The reality is, that is not how mathematics works! Understanding how cognitive development, individual differences, and pedagogical practices influence our mathematical identities is critical!

Promoting Mathematical Literacy:
What our students need to know, why they struggle, how we can help!
October 27, 2020 - Live Webinar 7:00pm MDT - Mindy Adair, Ph.D.
Learning math is complex and challenging. Participants will have the opportunity to consider what our students really need to know, why math is difficult for many students, from social, emotional, and environmental elements, to the learning profiles for dysgraphia and dyscalculia, and how we can best support our math teachers and diverse learners.