As the forum owner, you can assign new moderators from your live site. Having moderators is a great way to increase engagement and grow your community.
There are certain actions that only forum owners and moderators are allowed to do on Wix Forum. They can block users, move posts from one category to another, and delete posts.
New World team has disabled character creation in all regions, and they haven't provided any information on why this is happening. The community has been speculating about why this is happening, and some players believe it could be a step in the fight against New World Gold exploitation, especially when it comes to bot attacks.
At present, the New World team has changed the reward system for new accounts to make the rewards equal. They then disabled server transfers for new roles and also limited the number of roles an account could create per day. But all this does not affect the pace of players collecting New World Gold.
Players who want to achieve something in the game can also try to Buy New World Coins at IGGM. It is a safe and secure site that checks market prices daily in order to offer players the cheapest New World Gold. you can also enjoy up to 5% off if you become their VIP member.
Second, it has a 100% secure online payment system with multiple payment methods to ensure product safety. Once a player's order is delayed or not delivered, they will issue a 100% refund. On top of that, this site has a large inventory of New World Gold. Alright, let's act now!